Infertility, Miscarriage and Feng Shui
The buildings we live in can have both positive and negative influences on us. These influences come from patterns of energy that form when a building is constructed. Classical feng shui calls these energy patterns “flying stars” and they can influence fertility and miscarriage.
Couples can have a difficult time conceiving if their home has a flying star combination 8 mountain star and 4 water star or 8 mountain star and 3 water star in the master bedroom or center of the home. You can look up the flying star energy patterns of your home in Creating A Haven: Simple Steps For A Healthy And Nurturing Home.
Couples living in a home that is currently in a 20 year “People Lock” phase can also have a difficult time conceiving.
There are feng shui remedies for this lock.
To see if your home is people locked, you need to know the year your home was built and the compass direction it faces. These homes can be people locked from 2004 until 2024:
A woman sleeping in a bedroom with a 2 flying star or living in a home with a 2 star at the entry door can have problems with bleeding and miscarriage. This includes the 2 annual flying star.
Exposure to high levels of EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) can also contribute to miscarriage. EMFs surround the electrical things in your home and office like TVS, computers, and power strips. You can reduce your exposure to EMFs by keeping your body at least one foot away from your TV, computer tower, and power strips. Don’t use your laptop directly on your lap, place it on a table.
See related article: Negative Energies in Homes and Offices