Negative Energies in Homes and Offices
Every building has both positive and negative energies. These energies form in patterns when a building is constructed. Classical feng shui calls the energies that make up the energy patterns “flying stars”. In every building there are nine different energy patterns. One in each of the eight compass sections and the center. The nine different energy patterns in a building each have three flying stars. The way the three flying stars interact with each other creates either a positive or negative energy pattern in that section. These positive and negative energies can have an impact on the occupants of a building.
Some examples of their negative influences are illness, pain, miscarriage, infertility, depression, anxiety, fire, theft, financial problems, arguments, relationship problems, and divorce. Positive influences could be prosperity, good health, fertility, success, fame, and happiness.
Ideally its’ best to spend your time where there’s positive energy and avoid negative energy. But this might not be possible since there is both positive and negative energy in every building. If your bedroom or work area has a negative energy pattern, the negativity can be reduced or “cured” by adding the necessary feng shui element. That would be either water, wood, fire, earth, or metal depending on the energy pattern.
There are 144 different energy pattern combinations and your building has one of those combinations. It’s not difficult to find out what kind of positive and negative energies are in your home or office, you just need the compass degree the building faces and the year of construction. For example, the energy patterns of a home built in 2009 facing 26 degrees northeast has a different energy pattern than a home built in 1989 facing the same way.
Built in 1989
Facing 26 degrees NE
Built in 2009
Facing 26 degrees NE
There are several books available that can help you determine what kind of energies you’re living and working in and how to balance them. “Creating A Haven: Simple Steps For A Healthy And Nurturing Home” is available at Barnes & and
Creating a Haven: Simple Steps For a Healthy and Nurturing Home
Make your home a more positive space. This unique book utilizes holistic living practices from around the world. East meets West and the result is ancient and modern day solutions for living to make you feel good in your home.
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