Virtual/Remote Residential Services
Feng Shui Analysis of Your Home
Selecting Your New Home
Pre-Move In Review of Your New Home
Building Site Selection
New Building Design Review
Review of Renovations & Additions
Although it's best to have a certified feng shui practitioner come to your home, you may not have one in your area so I also offer virtual/remote consultations. If you can take compass readings and have a proportional floor plan, I can assist you with the feng shui of your home anywhere.
The world can be a very harsh place but your home doesn’t have to be. In fact, you should feel better in your own home than you do anywhere else. The goal of a feng shui analysis is to identify and correct any negatives in and around your home that are creating problems in your life or throwing your life out of balance. What kind of problems can feng shui help with? Here are some common things clients have told me about why they contacted me:
“Something is not right in our new home and we don‘t know why“
“We’ve been having problems ever since we moved here”
“We never argued like this in our old home”
“ I had a great social life before I bought this house”
“We bought a foreclosed home and now we’re having money problems”
“ I dread coming home and I never felt like this in my old house”
“ I haven’t slept well in this house and things are not right”
For your feng shui analysis, I use your home’s year of construction and the compass degree your home faces to determine the energy patterns that formed when your home was built. Every building has both positive and negative energy patterns. These energy patterns are called the “flying star natal chart” in classical feng shui. In every building there are nine different energy patterns. One in each of the eight compass sections and the center. Where you have a negative energy pattern, the negativity can be reduced or “cured” by adding the necessary feng shui element. That would be either water, wood, fire, earth, or metal depending on the energy pattern. The five elements are represented by colors and I also give you color suggestions.
You won’t need to buy expensive cures. I don’t sell cures and authentic feng shui does not use “lucky” trinkets or statues. I use the birth dates of your family members to determine your best directions for sleeping. You will receive a written report along with notes on your floor plan. I look forward to helping you make your home a more positive space!
What You Need To Supply:
A scaled accurate floor plan
Construction date of building
Renovation dates and details
Birth dates of family members
You will also need to take compass readings on your property. Any standard camping compass will do. You do not need a special feng shui compass. But DO NOT use a phone app. They are not accurate. Your floor plan needs to include all doors, windows, toilets, sinks, stove, fireplace, and placement of beds. Google or Yahoo maps provide satellite photos of your home so I can see what is around the exterior of your home.
CHECKLIST: Make sure your proportional floor plan includes:
____ Year of construction
____ Year of major renovations (additions, wall removals, roof replacement)
____ All entry doors
____ Windows
____ Toilets
____ Sinks
____ Stove
____ Fireplace
____ Placement of beds and name of person/s sleeping in bed
____ EMF sources (computer, tv, stereo and the point of entry for your electricity (the meter)
____ Names of the rooms on the floor plan (living room, bedroom, office, kitchen, foyer, etc.)
____ Names of the occupants of the bedrooms
____ Name, gender and birth dates of all residents and the rooms where they sleep
Taking Compass Readings
Compass readings can be taken with any standard camping compass. You do not need to use a feng shui compass. (Do not use a phone app). Write down the actual compass degrees (257 degrees, 15 degrees, etc.). This diagram shows you where to stand when taking readings.
Stand at the front center of the house. Facing the house, write down compass degree readings at 1 foot, 10 feet and 20 feet. Stand at the back center of the house. Facing the house, write down compass degree readings at 1 foot, 10 feet and 20 feet. Stand at the side centers of the house. Facing the house, write down compass degree readings at 1 foot, 10 feet and 20 feet.