Exterior Home Colors
What's the best color to paint the outside of your home? That depends on the compass direction at the back of the house. There are eight feng shui house types. The house type is determined by the "sitting" compass direction. The sitting direction is the direction at the rear of the house. The exterior color of a home should match the house type. If a house faces north, the sitting direction would be south. Compass directions are associated with one of the five elements of feng shui: water, wood, fire, earth and metal.
Painting the home the same color as the element of the sitting direction supports the home. Using a color that produces the element of the sitting direction is also supportive. For example, if the home sits south, fire is the element associated with south and red is the color of the element fire. What do you put on a fire when you want more fire? You add wood. Wood produces fire and green is the color of the element wood. So the best supportive colors for the exterior of a south sitting home are reds or greens. That doesn't mean you have to use fire engine red. There are many shades of these colors to choose from. Below are some sample shades for house types.