All That Clutter Used To Be Money
Take a look around your home. Look at your living room, your kitchen, your bedroom, and storage areas. All of that clutter used to be money. And one of the reasons you may be putting off clearing your clutter is because you think it's too valuable to get rid of.
Your clutter does have value. But in order to get any real value out of your clutter, you would have to do a lot of work researching where to sell it and how to sell it. A yard sale? Sure. Do you have that much energy? Even just thinking about all that sorting, pricing, promoting, and sale day work can wear you out. Sell it online? Sure. You could organize it. Take some pictures. Write up some blurbs. How do you get it to the buyer? Does a stranger meet you at your home? Meet you at a designated public place? Maybe you could ship it. How do you weight it? How do you package it to ship it? What about refunds?
You've probably thought about selling some of your clutter more than once. Down deep inside you know you're never really going to get around to doing it. You're just not. And as long as that clutter remains in your home, it's having an effect on you.
Clutter can be depressing.
Clutter can cause anxiety.
Clutter can be overwhelming.
Clutter is distracting eye noise.
Clutter can make you feel guilty.
Clutter can make it hard to concentrate.
Your clutter is not doing you any good. But all that clutter can be put to good use. There are many non-profit organizations where you live that will take your clutter and transform it into funding for their good works.
Sure. Your clutter is valuable. Get over it. Get rid of it. And let it do some good.